Monday, March 8

Currently Listening to: The Saddest Song ~ The Ataris

i did'nt really get to study yesterday. Mastura called rite after i blogged, asking me to go BBQ in West End ....again!!!... And i answered out together with Mas, mynn, Leen , Helmi and Dollah around 11:30 to catch the City Cat. Unfortunately, we have to wait for another hour for that Cat to we decided to have our lunch in the City....yeah...CityWok.....And rite after lunch, went to Indooroopilly and met Rab, Ili, Salwa and Nadia over there.

While waiting for a bus to the city , met this Singaporean girl who was looking for textbook...she's doing Business Management. Yeah, i offered her to buy my textbook (which is still look new, like never been touched at all...)So around 5, met her in front of SSH and accounting book, which i did last semester....finally get rid of laa duit sket now...

Last nite....agak tension actually....thinking about this programming subject...programming in the large....damn hard....i dont know whether i can do it or not...seriously i feel like crying last nite....rasa cam nak jerit jer...but takut nanti Hanip kata bising plak.....
hrmm....biler la nak lepas from this cruel programming thing nih.....hahhhh....


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