Saturday, April 10

Currently Listening to: Stranded ~ Jennifer Paige

Malasnyer nak mandi, hari ni sangat sejuk. I'll list down some of my plan for this week. Hope to use the days effectively and efficiently.

Sat - Start Assumptions for Ass 1 INFS2200 *done
Sun - JAPN1010 Group meting at 10 am *done, start Assignment 2 COMP2500
Mon ~ Wed - Trip to Midginbil Hill *done
Thurs - Group meeting for INFS2200 at 1 pm*done
Fri - should start doing all the assignments
Sat - should start practicing the japn skits
Sun - should be still doing all the assignments

This would be just the planning. I would be really happy if i would ever get to do it as smoothly as i plan. But usually , i will end up not doing anything. Dont want laaa like that!!!~~ \(*o*)/