Monday, February 27

Interesting article .... dapat kat blog seorg adik, baca laaa... buka minda anda....

Oleh: Pahrol Mohamad Juoi

Saya masih ingat sikap 'unik' (aneh) sesetengah orang-orang tua kampung dulu-dulu. Ruang di bawah rumah mereka selalunya diperuntukkan untuk meletakkan barang usang yang 'kurang' atau tidak perlu. Selalunya botol-botol, tin-tin atau papan-papan buruk. Entah kenapa semua itu tidak dibuang. Hanya di letakkan begitu sahaja. Diguna tidak, dibuang pun tidak. Peliknya, apabila barang-barang 'antik' itu hendak diambil oleh orang lain, cepat-cepat pula mereka melarangnya. Tak boleh รข€“ nak guna, sayang, dan macam-macam alasan.Itulah sebuah analogi yang terlintas di fikiran bila saya ditanya tentang kemarahan umat Islam terhadap penyiaran karikatur menghina nabi Muhammad s.a.w oleh akhbar-akhbar Eropah khususnya Denmark.

''Encik tidak marah?'' tanya seorang siswa sehabis sahaja majlis diskusi tentang topik berkenaan.

''Marah,'' akui saya perlahan.

''Tak cukup begitu sahaja. Esok kita berarak, bakar bendera Denmark!''

Saya senyum.

''Kita ada cara yang lebih baik. Ada senjata yang lebih hebat. Doa,'' balas saya.

''Kita kena tunjuk kemarahan kepada mereka yang menghina Rasul.''

''Menunjukkan kecintaan kepada Rasul lebih utama.''

''Marah itulah tanda kecintaan kita!''

''Betul. Tetapi membuktikan kecintaan dengan mengamalkan sunnahnya jauh lebih utama.''

''Encik takut?''

Saya renung matanya.

''Mengamalkan sunnah Rasul memerlukan lebih keberanian! Tentangannya lebih hebat. Bahkan daripada orang Islam sendiri,'' tusuk saya perlahan.

''Kita bakar bendera mereka!''

''Kita 'bakar' cara hidup mereka. Itu lebih relevan.''

Giliran dia pula yang diam. Mungkin siswa yang 'terbakar' ini mula mengunyah maksud kiasan saya.Lalu saya ceritakan analogi awal tadi. Alhamdulillah, dia mendengar teliti.

''Kita dengan sunnah, seperti orang tua-tua dahulu dengan barang-barang usang di bawah rumah. Nak digunakan tidak, nak dijunjung jauh sekali, tetapi bila ada orang lain nak mengambilnya, barulah heboh konon nak digunakan.''

''Bagaimana kita hendak tunjukkan perasaan marah?''

''Demontrasi depan manusia. Depan Allah, kita berdoa. Kita muhasabah, sejauh mana kecintaan kita kepada Rasul-Nya. Mungkin provokasi Barat membawa pengajaran tersirat.''

''Pengajaran tersirat?''

''Ya, tersirat dari Allah! agar kita menilai semula benar-benarkah kita mencintai sunnah Rasul-Nya selama ini.''

''Kemarahan ummah inilah buktinya,"ujarnya bersemangat.

''Kemarahan cuma bermusim. Hanya luapan sentimen berkala. Namun kegigihan, kebijaksanaan, perancangan dan ketabahan jangka panjang amat perlu.''

''Maksud encik?''

Jelas dia terpancing dengan kilasan dan kiasan kata-kata.

''Jangka panjang, sudahkah kita mendidik generasi muda mencintai Rasul dan keluarganya? Saya risau generasi muda yang mabuk hedonisme kini tidak akan punya kemarahan yang sama seperti yang saudara alami.''

''Saya ada kawan-kawan sebaya yang hidupnya lintang pukang, tapi masih marah bila Rasulullullah dipersendakan. Mereka akan turut berarak esok!"

''Hidup lintang-pukang? Macam mana tu?'' tanya saya minta kepastian.

''Rock habis. Sembahyang tidak. Bergaul bebas biasalah! tapi cinta mereka terhadap Rasul tak luntur.''

''Ajak mereka sembahyang dulu. Tak berarak pun tak apa. Cinta dulu, marah kemudian. Bila ada cinta, pasti ada marah bila kecintaan dicela. Tapi kalau marah saja, belum tentu ada cinta!''

Dia diam lagi. Kali ini diamnya lebih panjang.

''Agaknya orang tua tu marah tak kalau kita ambil barang-barang berharga di atas rumah?'' tanyanya tiba-tiba.

''Orang tua mana?'' tanya saya semula. Hairan.

''Orang tua dalam analogi encik tadi itulah!''

''Soalan tu kurang umph'',gurau saya.

''Habis soalan apa yang umph?''

''Agaknya orang berani tak hendak minta barang di atas rumah? Berbanding barang usang di bawah rumah?'' balas saya.Termenung lagi dia. Seronok rasanya 'membimbing' siswa ini berfikir. Terimbau luapan semangat saya sewaktu di kampus dulu. Beginilah pola berfikir saya. .

Tiba-tiba dia bersuara, ''tentu tak berani, kerana barang di atas rumah tentu lebih berharga.''''Begitulah sunnah, jika dihayati, diamalkan dan diperjuangkan. Ia nampak sangat berharga di tangan pencintanya. Musuh tak kan berani mengusiknya, apalagi nak menghinanya!''

''Encik ni, tak sangka ke situ pula kiasannya.''

''Kita orang Islam mesti menghormati diri sendiri terlebih dahulu, barulah orang lain akan menghargai kita. Justeru, jika kita marahkan musuh yang mengecam Rasul, marahkanlah juga diri kita yang tidak benar-benar mencintainya!''

''Dan bukti cinta amalkan sunnah Rasul. Itulah cara paling berkesan mempamerkan 'kemarahan' kepada musuh-musuh yang menghinanya.''

Alhamdulillah, saya yakin, kini marahnya kerana cinta bukan kerana benci. Dominasi cintakan Rasul bukan emosi bencikan musuhnya!

Thursday, February 23

Believe it or not...
it's been 2 months now that i'm back in M'sia.

Wut i've been doing lately?
With no blog entries?
Alrite...i'll update some today...

I've finally went to see Rabbit in Melaka.
Catching up after being apart for almost 5-6 months.
Glad to see that u're doing fine there.
Will always pray the BEST for u!
Nice to see u again my fren!!~
Anyway...can't wait for the weekend, hehe...

Congrats to Salwa and Huda.
Both had been employed now...
Salwa will be goin to Bintulu, and Huda will be in KLCC.
Wow, they can really put u anywhere huh...
Wherever place u'll go...
Believes that Allah gives the BEST for u!
And to others, keep on praying for the BEST.
Sabar, insyaAllah...ur time will come...
that goes to me too actually... :)

And since i was at home most of the time,
I was informally had been selected as the Cook for the family.
Supposedly still under probation,
but i guess, will be up-graded soon.

Who ever will think that finally i can cook myself without being pushed?
All this time, I've been such a bummer, too lazy to cook.
Now, i'm doing the cooking with all my heart, heh.
Well, "dikerah tenaga" at first,
but then was quite excited bout it.
But it will also depends on my mood.
Sometimes too much cooking makes me sick.
Imagined that by the time u finished cooking, u had already been asked about what's for tommorow.
Sorry la...that just spoiled my mood and my enthusiasm.

Well, i've finally made Tiramisu!!!
But, I guess i made a mistake, just a small one.
Cam cair sket...but the taste is there, serious!~
heh...just to make me feel gud myself ....
nvm, there's always room for improvement next time insyaAllah.
To Along and Achik...want some?..then come home la k!!~

To end the entry for today,
I would love to paste this hadith as a reminder to everyone including me,

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas r.a : Once I was behind the Prophet S.A.W, and he said:
"O Boy, I will teach you a few words:
(a) Be loyal and obedient to Allah [worship Him (alone)], remember Him always, obey His Orders. He will save you from every evil and will take care of you in all the spheres of life.
(b) Be loyal and obedient to Allah , you will find Him near (in front of you)
(c) If you ask, ask Allah.
(d) If you seek help, seek help from Allah.
(e) Know that if all the people get together in order to benefit you with something, they will not be able to benefit you in anything except what Allah has decreed for you. And if they all get together in order to harm youwith something, they will not be able to harm youin anything except what Allah has decreed for you "
Hadith At-Tirmidhi


Tuesday, February 7

Salam to everyone.
Seems like i havent been blogging long enuff rite.
Well, nothing to update though.
The status is still unemployed.
No comment on that.
Heard that some of my friends had been offered already.
Rezeki masing2 kan... Happy for them...
I'll pray harder for mine ...:)

I think it's time for me to do something,
rather than just sit back at home.
So, for the first time ,
followed Mama to her Harfiah class (not sure the spelling...)
As expected la kan...
i'm the only young lady in the class...not suprising at all.
It was good.
Mama seated at front, coz she's the treasure (i supposed) collecting the monthly fees from all her friends.
I watched her from my fourth row seat, looking at her and her friends....
mama is so me among my friends...but it seems like everyone knew her...

The class was good, pengisian was nice and understandable eventho the ustaz was actually from Indonesia. He was teaching at front ayah from Ali Imran: 56-58. About 2 types of people; the believers and the disbelievers, the rewards and the azab, and also reminder of the late prophets before Muhammad S.A.W. from Quran.

He also touched a lil bit of the hot controversy issues in the world today. What else, about the Danish Cartoon potraying Rasulullah which had make all Muslims in the whole world mad and angry bout it. Well, i personally think that we shud, coz dont u think our pride and dignity as a Muslim had been violated by them making a fool of our Prophet SAW? If we dont have our stand on this issue, just wait till their next step on making fool of our religion then.Unless, you dont care about it at all. They might not realized that, they just triggered the wrong button, like a wake up call.

Anyways, the issues are more likely like 'membuka pekung di dada' for them. While they were denying and sitting behind the reason of " the freedom of speech ". They were actually letting everyone knows that, the freedom that they were using are destroying them back. It just dont work if u dont have the sensitivity towards religion. And if u see it clearly, the freedom that the were holding at is actually killing them inside, u can see it through their family institution, government administration , and now, their newspapers.
Well, we all know that every freedom without responsibility, will only leads to disaster....
I dun really know how to comment much about this, but that's a lil bit of my two cents that i can think of now... more thing, wut we can do now is...boycott products from them....that's better than using violance or wutever....silence killer beb...

Back to my day today, it was not the first time of attending such classes with mama, been doing that eversince after SPM (since i'm at home doing nothing, dun wanna work some more, that;s the only thing that mum can think of for me).
Kinda worried too actually.

Well, with current situation, mama and abah do urged me to go and get a casual job while waiting for Pet offer. Well, it's not that i dun wanna do that , but it's just that, i dun wanna do it yet, there's another thing that i am prioritizing at now.
It's hard now, u dont have any income, and u dont wanna just being dependent on ur parents for financial stuff, and u also need to recharge ur mobile phone, ha!
Arghh...talking bout this, makes me feel angry, still not receiving any money on our key deposit and end-of-studies allowance from Pet! Urghh....wondering what taken them this long, it's almost 2 months already.....

I wanted to do so many things actually,
but none really had achieved any progress.

Been reading my previous entries since last year.
Funny when u read it back.
Sometimes u feel like, "OMG how in the world did i wrote all this...?"
Some are just crap...
but then, i enjoyed looking back at my edited images that i posted together with the entries.
It somehow had make me feel soooo the 'rindus' with Brisbane!
I wonder whether my future entries will be as exciting as my previous ones? At least, exciting and all for me , that's enuff.

ok la...ngantuk already....
just wait for another entry a few days later or more....
depends on my mood too...