Friday, March 10

Salam to all...

Guess wut?
I've actually had been employed by Petronas and will start working in KLCC Petronas Twin Tower on the 16th March.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.
I was offered a place as an Exec at the Education Sponsorship Unit in the Education Division.
Was actually been told about this on the 1st March, but finally had the guts to write it in here today as i just received the result of my Medical check-up yersterday. I'm fit and recommended!

Will finally resign as 'Penganggur professional' soon!

And not forgetting to congrat Najwa too, she's the new Exec at the HR dept, we'll start working together on that day!

Will be hoping for the BEST on this.

"Janganlah seorang pun daripada kamu menjadi orang yg tidak berpendirian, beliau mengatakan: "Aku bersama orang ramai, jika mereka berbuat baik aku akan berbuat baik, sekiranya mereka berbuat jahat, aku akan berbuat jahat (pula)," tetapi kamu mestilah menetapkan diri kamu, apabila orang berbuat baik, kamu mestilah berbuat baik, sekiranya mereka berbuat jahat, kamu mestilah menjauhkan diri daripada kejahatan mereka."

(Hadith Riwayat Tirmidzi)

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