Monday, September 20

I just realized...

Something that I just realized.
I might not be the bestest friend around.
I'm so ignorant sometime.
I'm so sad that sometimes I did'nt feel what they feel.

I just realized.
All the friends that I knew my whole life ,
I did'nt know where they are right now.
I did'nt hear anything from them.

I just realized.
they come and they go.
Eventhough I still remember them,
I still recognize them,
they always had left their footsteps in my heart.

I just realized.
I once had a best friend.
But then she left me alone.
She made a hole in my heart.
It's so big, I just can't cover it all.

I just realized.
Are we friends for any purpose?
Are we friends just for the sake of time?
Whatever the reason,
my love for you will aways be there,
it's all because of Allah.

I just realized.
I'm so sorry my friend.
Sorry for not realizing the value of friendship.
Sorry for not being there at your hardest time.
Sorry for just being only at your sweetest time.

I just realized.
I have to appreciate all my friends rite now.
They changed me a lot.
To a better me.
Sorry again for my ignorance,
I'll try to be more than just a friend.
from the bottom of my heart

Friday, September 17

Cinta & Suka

Di hadapan orang yang kita cinta,
hati kita akan berdegup kencang...
Tapi di depan orang yang kita suka,
hati kita akan gembira...
Di depan orang yang kita cinta,
musim sentiasa berbunga-bunga...
Di depan orang yang kita suka,
musim itu cuma berangin sahaja...
Jikalau kita lihat di dalam mata orang yang kita cinta,
kita akan kaku...
Tapi jikalau kita melihat ke dalam mata orang yang kita suka,
kita akan tersenyum...
Di depan orang yang kita cinta,
lidah kelu untuk berkata-kata...
Di depan orang yang kita suka,
lidah bebas berkata apa sahaja...
Di depan orang yang kita cinta,
kita menjadi malu...
Di depan orang yang kita suka,
kita akan tunjukkan imej yang sebenar...
Kita tidak boleh merenung mata orang yang kita cinta...
Tepi kita selalu merenung mata orang yang kita suka...
Bila orang yang kita cinta menangis,
kita akan turut menangis...
Bila orang yang kita suka menangis,
kita akan turut membuat dia gembira...
Perasaan cinta bermula dari mata,
Perasaan suka bermula dari telinga...
Jadi, jikalau kita berhenti menyukai seseorang yang kita suka...
Umpama kita membuang telinga kita
Tapi jika kita cuba menutup mata
Cinta berubah menjadi airmata
Setiap orang yang akan mengalami ini dalam hidup mereka,
Cuma fikirkanlah bersama-sama siapa yang anda cinta?.
Tetapi, hakikatnya?
Cinta kepada Allah swt Adalah lebih hakiki dan abadi?
Kasih sayang-Mu Tuhan,
Itu yg kudambakan...
Dgn rahmat-Mu,
Ampunilah dosaku...

Sunday, September 12

Exam vs Raya

The draft for the final exam timetable is out

Here are the dates:

8 Nov COMP2302 S1
15 Nov COMP2502 S2 RAYA
19 Nov COMP2500 S4
20 Nov INFS3202 S1

Okay....from the dates given, there are so many points that i would like to point out.
  1. Exam week starts on the 8th Nov. My first paper starts at 8th Nov. And lucky enough, it's the first session!The conclusion here is: My first paper is on the first session of the first day of the first week of the exam week!
  2. Raya will probably be on the 14th or 15th Nov. My second paper is on the 15th Nov on the second session. The conclusion here is: What conclusion!? I dont want to celebrate RAYA while doing Exam on the same day! Uwaaa!!~
  3. The third paper will be on the 19th Nov. So, I've got about three days to revise before the exam day. The conclusion here is: Nothing to conclude, I'm happy with it!
  4. Exam week ends on the 20th Nov. My last paper is on the 20th Nov. And lucky enough, it's on the first session! So, i've got a day to pack my stuff and do all the moving out thing. The conclusion here is: My last paper is on the first session of the last day of the last week of the exam week! And the next day I'm goin back to MALAYSIA!~ It's been 4 times in a row, I finished my last paper on the last day of the exam week.

Is it too early to be thinking of all these?? I dont know why, but i think that the time is running too fast. I just realized that 3 months of studying is never enough! I wished I could go back to the old school days where we have a year to study.....I missed the old school days.... Hopefully I'll manage to cover all my studies before the exam.....

Another thing, this year gonna be my first time celebrating RAYA far away from home, far away from my family, just cant imagined the feeling of how it will be... Perhaps it will be least an experience for once in a lifetime. I'm still going back after no worries rite.

Thursday, September 9

here comes update!~

A week of no entry , now i'm back.
Had been busy working on the assignments.
This week has been the most tiring week ever.
Finally, had it all submitted yesterday, Alhamdulillah!

I've been sleeping while in lectures nowadays.
I mean this week.
I just can't recall any lecture that i did'nt fall asleep.
I'm trying to find the reason why?
Is it because it's an early morning lecture?(Kul 8 ader, kul 9 pun....awal tuh...)
Or maybe i've taken too much food during breakfast?(Roti tuna...jus..hash brown potatoes)
Or maybe the lectures are too boring. (Programming stuff that i'm not interested at)
Or I did'nt get enough sleep? (duhh...dah la slalu tido awal~)
I woke up quite early in the morning with a high spirit to go to uni and learn...
but in the end, it's not even passed a quarter of the hour yet, I had fall asleep.
Am i not getting enough oxygen in my brain or what??
Anybody with a good advice on how not to fall asleep in lectures,
can you please help me?
I cant go on like this, it will affect my studies....
I dont want it to get worse...
any solution to it???

Enough of that.

I've done something funny this evening.
Well, i was supposed to get my Prac assesed today.
Yupp, I did go for it.
It's just that, I just managed to get only my Prac 4 assesed, not Prac 5.
So, i was so "cuak" coz I did'nt get the Prac 5 done at that time.
It was like another 6 to 7 minutes before the prac session ended,
and I was still "terkial2" doing it.
And then I saw my tutor goin out already.
And with all my 'kelam-kabutness', i went after him!
And actually the lawak part is....
he''s only going to the toilet....
waaaa....i actually screamed out his name "Mr R*****! Can I....Ooh.."
"I'm comin back again dear...." he said while pushing the toilet door...
I wanna ask whether I can still get my Prac assesed by tomorrow morning....
Aaah....i'm so mengelabah maaa.....

So tonight, i'll have to go to the lab again and finish up the last task....
And tomorrow....I really wanna eat Nandos....anybody wanna join??

* end of today's ramble *

p/s = Fazz is so menggelabah sometimes rite!?~

Thursday, September 2

comin up!~

Currently Listening to: Sway ~ Michael Buble

Important Due dates:
COMP2500 : 8 Sept
COMP2500 : 8 Sept
Prac 4 & 5 : 10 Sept

Special dates:
Extravaganza event : 4 Sept jeng...jeng...jeng

Current success:
Passed COMP2302 Prac Exam

Current failure:
Asymptotic Analysis???

Quote of the day:
Mind and screen, Both are blanks.